Spontaneous Ski Tour

Spontaneous Ski Tour

Join us!

There are rarely bad conditions. To know where it’s good, you need to stay up-to-date, and it requires a lot of experience. Our guides bring exactly that expertise.
Would you like to go on a spontaneous ski tour, adapted to the conditions and away from the crowds? Then you’re in the right place.

Join the group and always find out where we’re heading.



InfoDates & BookingLevelsEquipmentQuestions?Photos

In the whats app group we will keep you updated if we spontaneously plan a ski tour.

PLUS –>Every Wednesday, we try to organize a fixed day ski tour. The Wednesday tour always takes place around the Engelberg Valley.
We alternate between “Enjoyer” and “Adventure” levels for the Wednesday tours.

Check the dates and book your spot!

Book Online Now!

Mittwoch Skitour


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🦄Enjoyer –> Every other week, an enjoyable tour!
🐐 Adventure –> Every other week, an exciting adventure!

Learn more about the requirements and levels in the Levels section.

Minimum 3 participants.

Offer CHF/Person
Classic Day Ski Tour 195.-
Rental Equipment CHF
+ optional rental of safety set (beacon, probe, shovel) 30
+ optional rental of safety kit (ABS, beacon, probe, shovel) 55
+ optional rental of freeride touring gear (skis, bindings, skins) 55

A minimum of 3 participants is required to proceed with the tour.

The Wednesday tours alternate between two levels. For all spontaneously announced tours, the level will be communicated in the chat.

Enjoyer Level

Participants in this level have solid ski techniques, even off-piste. Ski touring is not new to them. Ascents of 800 vertical meters are manageable.

Adventure Level

At this level, we offer longer day tours. When conditions allow, we seek unique routes where the adventure is the main focus. Ascents can be up to 1500 vertical meters. An exciting descent is not to be missed, so we require excellent off-piste ski technique.

Example Tour Enjoyer/Beginner Level               –> Bannalp Circuit / Schafberg
Example Tour Advanced/Adventurer Level      –> El Canal / Hahnen Circuit



  • Ski touring skis with touring bindings (available for rent)
  • Ski skins (fitting your skis)
  • Ski crampons
  • Ski boots (touring ski boots are optimal)
  • Ski poles
  • Beacon, probe, shovel
  • Backpack (max. 30L)
  • Helmet (optional)
  • Gloves
  • Functional ski clothing
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • 1/2 fare travel card
  • Cash

Missing items can be rented from us.

Tours are led only by certified and experienced mountain guides/aspirants. The avalanche safety set (beacon, probe, shovel) is mandatory.

When will you decide if the tour will take place?
The tour will take place once we have 3 or more participants. We try to inform you at least 2 days before the tour.

What happens in bad weather?
If the weather isn’t extreme, we adapt the tour to the conditions. If the tour cannot take place, you will receive a refund. The decision of whether the tour proceeds is up to the mountain guide.

Are the tours suitable for splitboarders?
If you’re a splitboarder with strong skills in ascent and descent, you are welcome to join. Since splitboarders are generally at a disadvantage compared to skiers, you’ll need to be in excellent shape. Please keep this in mind to ensure an enjoyable day.

If we cannot reach the destination by public transport, we’ll arrange carpools. The guide will contact you before the tour to coordinate this.

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