
Heliskitouring Engelberg


Day 1:
Fly from Engelberg over the magnificent snow-clad peaks to the Sustenlimmi mountain landing site at 3200 m altitude, in the heart of a wonderful glacier world. We than will enjoy a fantastic downhill run past glacial ice avalanches and rock faces to the heli landing site at Steingletscher. We then take you back up to Sustenlimmi for the run into the enchanting Voralptal valley to Göscheneralp. After a super nice run, our heli then takes you back up to Hüfifirn where you enjoy the peace of the mountains and a wonderful winter panorama. We stay the night at the cozy mountain hut Planurahütte.

Skiing meter: 1’500hm + 2’400hm = 3’900hmm
Hiking meter: 180hm Hiking time: 1hour
Special featurs: Easy abseiling, night at a cozy mountain hut (very basic)

Pics and Map

Day 2:
After a swiss- breakfast and hopefuly a good night in the mountain hut, we enjoy a superb deep-snow downhill run to Linthal. The copter than fly us back up to Hüfipass. From there on, we hike to the “Sandpass”2780 masl. On a spectacular run,  we ski down Disentis where we stay the night in a mountain-hotel and get a shower and a couple of beers.

Skiing meter: 2’150hm + 1’900hm = 4’050hm
Hiking meter: 100hm Hiking time: 45min
Special featurs: Changing to a new valey. Two awesome runs!
Pics and Map
Abfahrt nach Disentis

By cable cars, skilifts and skinns we are taking us up to Mt. Oberalpstock 3328 masl. and ski down the famouse “Staldenfirn” to Maderanertal. If possible also a high-end secret variation with some abseiling and awesome forest skiing. After a funny transfer by “Postauto” we fly back to “Sustenlimi” and ski down to Steingletscher for the night.

Skiing meter: 2’750hm + 1’500hm = 4’250hm
Hiking meter: 650hm Hiking time: 2 hours
Special featurs: One of the longest descent in central switzerland.
Pics and Map
Im Aufstieg zum Oberalpstock
Abfahrt Staldenfirn
Abfahrt Staldenfirn

The good-morning hike up to “Fünffingerstöcke” is long (1100 m climb, 3hours) but the run down to Engelberg is super-duper! And you know, the beer at Skilodge Engelberg is tasting so much bether when you are a bit tired!

Skiing meter: 2’750hm + 1’500hm = 2’100hm
Hiking meter: 1200hm Hiking time: 3-4 hours
Special featurs: Nice skitour with a tiptop run down to Engelberg. No heli.


Offer CHF
Organisation & Mountainguide UIAGM 4 days, up to 7 people 3000 total
Costs Heli for the program above, 7 people 8900 total
Huts & Hotel (3 nights, incl. breakfast & dinner) 400/Person
Expenses (tickets, transfer, guide-expenses) ca. 120/Person
+ optional alpine set rental (Harness, carabinners) 10/day
+ optional safety set rental (shovel, probe, transceiver) 25/day
+ optional safety kit rental (ABS, shovel, probe, transceiver) 55/day
+ optional freeride-/touring equipment rental (skis, hikbinding, skinns) 55/day

That makes a price about CHF2200.- per person for all 4days.

Requirements: | Skiing skills: very good off-piste skier | Physical fitness: for ascents up to 1-2 hour (optional) & long runs

The avalanche safety set (probe, transceiver, shovel) and the alpine set are obligatory! The availabilty of the helicopter cannot be guaranteed. The weather, wind and swow conditions must be optimal for a start. The decision will often be made on the morning of the Heliskiing day.

If the weather is bad, the avalanche conditions do not allow the program and/or there is to much wind, we make an alternativ program.

The “Farmer Safari Ski Touring” trip is recomended.